For my first entry of the year I decided to quickly finish up the leader for my Turnip28 force. I painted up the rest of the force for last years challenge, but then left this guy sitting primed for a whole year as I wasn't sure I really liked the model, but it was what I had found for a mounted snob for T28.
A year later, I am still not sure I like him, and will probably replace him at some point, so I just slapped on some quick and dirty colours to have him playable.
The figure is super strange as it is a camel for a Napoleonic setting, which strikes me wrong, and then the poor animal is half given over to the root and badly infected. His head has been mainly replaced by a festering root vegetable that I have painted as a turnip, his mane has been replaced with leaves, his tail is partially turned to roots as well, and the mighty snob riding on him is bringing more vegetables along with him on his pack.
Overall just a very rough piece to get something done quickly, and get back to painting as I have not touched a brush since the last challenge ended. At least I have gotten some new glasses and they seem to be doing the job, so I should be able to do some decent painting this year once I get back into the groove (so please don't judge me too poorly on this slapped together paint job!). Plus I had to get first blood in before my son does (he joined the challenge for the first time this year - QuinnM), as he had to work today, so I had time to get an entry in before he did.
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