Monday, 30 December 2024

ByronM - Maggotkin of Nurgle: Daemons, Warcry Warband

 For this entry I am submitting my pestilent Maggotkin of Nurgle: Daemons warband for the Games Workshop game of Warcry.  Warcry is never a game I really wanted to get into as it is really simplistic and doesn't have much tactical depth, however...  I ended up jumping in on it for two reasons.

First, both of my sons started playing it recently and kept bugging me to play it with them.  Since they have never before really shown interest in many miniature games, despite years of trying to get them to play, I figured I kind of had to jump in with them.  Secondly, I have lusted after the Nurgle Plague Drone models since they came out years ago, thinking they looked too cool and would be a challenge to paint.  

So with those two reasons I jumped all in and got some Plague Drones, and dug up a box of Plague Bearers from my endless pile of GW shame and got to work on my warband.   With my slightly evil and warped sense of humour, I affectionately refer to my warband as "The Vaccinated" as they have lovingly accepted every injection of filth that Grandfather Nurgle has offered.

These models were a lot of fun to paint, but a pain in the @$$ to photograph, and the pictures still didn't turn out well after almost a whole afternoon of trying to get good ones.  The issue is that they are missing so much of the glazes that show up in person.  They have multiple glazes of greens, oranges, blues, and purples in different shades that show up as rotted/bruised flesh, but no matter how many pictures in different lights I take, they just do not show up well.  So the images you see are all you get, as I gave up in frustration.  

The painting method was pretty simple, I primed brown, then zenithal highlighted bleached bone.  From there it was a matter of various Vallejo Xpress colours layering over the primer to build up greens and then reds around wounds, then blues, purples, oranges around the sours and various skin areas.  Once all that was done and dry I used dead flesh to highlight all the edges and the pustules.  It was a fairly easy process that looks great (to me at least) in person, but shit in these pictures, sorry guys.

For the weapons I used silver then build up layers of browns, reds and oranges for a super rusty and old look.  The banner was done as bronze and then a layer of verdigris was added to give it that old weathered look.  I might have to go add some more, but I haven't decided for sure yet.

The Plague drones were something I have wanted to do forever, hence the Lust points for them, but was never sure I could pull them off, and unfortunately I don't know if I really have.  They are certainly filthy and disgusting, but I am not sure I got the wings or carapace right, but not sure what else to do with either item, so am open to ideas from you guys.

Overall though, while there are parts of these models that I know others could do better, I am actually happy with them (which is very uncommon for me) and proud to show them off, although I wish they showed up here as they do in real life.  But I still think they look good and feel the plain grey base helps make the figures themselves pop a bit more, and the brightly coloured flowers help add a bit of an alien feel to them.

Lastly, if anyone out there wants to try Warcry, in a very NON-GW move, GW has all the rules and faction lists up online for free here:  Overall it's not a bad game, and I get the appeal of a lot of the rules and how it plays, it's just not my cup of tea, but for a chance to play with my boys, I had to paint up a force for it.

Friday, 27 December 2024

ByronM -WW2 German Infantry Squad + Shrewzerker

 Now that the Christmas Craziness and Family BS is over with, it's time to get down to what really matters, Wargames, Miniatures, and Painting!!!

First up today is a unit that I first primed up probably 3 or 4 years ago for a challenge and they have sat primed black hiding in shame in the back of the closet since then.  They are the germans that came with the second edition of Bolt action, that I have always meant to get around to, but never have.  There are more coming as I think there were 30ish in the box, so expect another few units over the coming days/weeks.  Since these have sat primed and waiting for so long I am counting them towards the First Circle of hell, Limbo for a bonus 20 points.

They are painted mainly in German field grey, with grey pants and an almost black helmet.  They are a pretty basic paint job, but it works at a distance.  I also decided to base them with small yellow flowers as seen in the Sound of Music, so that at some point I can maybe put on a game where the Germans chase down the incepted and ear piercingly annoying Van Trapp family and silence them once and for all.  They will of course keep Julie Andrews alive, but the rest of the family must be silenced!

Next up is my first test model for a project I am really looking forward to this year, Burrows & Badgers.  I love anthropomorphic animals so when I saw this game for the first time a few years back I needed to get it, but then got sidetracked on other projects so never got around to it.  This year that changes!  I have about 20 models for this game to get painted and have several more in progress on the paint table already.

Points wise this should be 75 points (11 28mm figures x 5 = 55 points, + 20 bonus points for Limbo)

Saturday, 21 December 2024

ByronM - Turnip28 - Snob of the Radish's

 For my first entry of the year I decided to quickly finish up the leader for my Turnip28 force.  I painted up the rest of the force for last years challenge, but then left this guy sitting primed for a whole year as I wasn't sure I really liked the model, but it was what I had found for a mounted snob for T28.

A year later, I am still not sure I like him, and will probably replace him at some point, so I just slapped on some quick and dirty colours to have him playable.

The figure is super strange as it is a camel for a Napoleonic setting, which strikes me wrong, and then the poor animal is half given over to the root and badly infected.  His head has been mainly replaced by a festering root vegetable that I have painted as a turnip, his mane has been replaced with leaves, his tail is partially turned to roots as well, and the mighty snob riding on him is bringing more vegetables along with him on his pack. 

Overall just a very rough piece to get something done quickly, and get back to painting as I have not touched a brush since the last challenge ended.  At least I have gotten some new glasses and they seem to be doing the job, so I should be able to do some decent painting this year once I get back into the groove (so please don't judge me too poorly on this slapped together paint job!).  Plus I had to get first blood in before my son does (he joined the challenge for the first time this year - QuinnM), as he had to work today, so I had time to get an entry in before he did.


Friday, 20 December 2024

Painting Challenge 15 starts tomorrow!

Tomorrow the 15th annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge starts, and I am once again signed up.  For more info check it out here: Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge Rules.

This post is just to serve as a kind of list of what to expect, and to serve as a guide to keep me on track, for what I aim to get done this challenge.  Hopefully I don't squirrel too much and get at least 1/2 of this list done:

  • Kingdom Death Models (ideally: Stone Eaters, Crimson Croc, The King, and Atlas)
  • 40k Knight Army
  • Burrows & Badgers (at least both core boxes, hopefully some extras)
  • Hagglethorne Hollow terrain
  • Napoleonic Unit
  • Wild West - Miners and Civilians
  • Bloodbowl Team
  • Trench Crusade - Iron Sultanate
  • Bolt Action Germans
I am sure more will pop up, but if I get at least 1/2 of those done, it should be a good challenge!

Make sure you follow along, here or over on the challenge page.
